Ques 3: Attached to the ex's family??!

Ooooooooooooooooh this is a good one lol!

Okay guys this next question/comment is from Gabriela (Hi Gabriela!!!):

"Since its any topic i know its pretty much been answered time and time again but I would like to know how to handle the situation once a boyfriend has become an ex and you are attached to his family...how do you break away...should you break away?"

Honestly.........I think it may depend on how long you've known the family to determine how hard it would be. If it's only been a few months, then it should be easy to walk away. However, if you've known his family for YEARS.......I'd think it would be really hard to do. ESPECIALLY after spending holidays, bbqs and other family gatherings together.

I think, in order to fully move on, you should break away from the family though. You may have to explain to his mom, or whoever you're close to, why you're doing this, but they should understand. You can't fully move on from an ex, if you have to see his face all the time. That makes it extremely hard. You need the time and space to breathe. Having that person's family around, commenting on your relationship does NOT help at all. If his family truly cares about you and your well being, then they would/should understand. Maybe after some time has passed, you can stop by the bbq with some peach cobbler, but for now.........LEAVE! lol! Go out, hang out, have fun!

I hope this answers your question.




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