Ques 2: Phyllis Hyman Old Friend

This questions/comment comes from my cousin Charles:

"Phyllis Hymen has a song called Old Friend, listen to it and blog your reaction."

Ok so...................I love this song. I have it in my ipod and listen to it when I think of a certain someone lol.

IMO, it's about an old friend, lost love that has come back into your life after some time apart. They way she sings it, it feels like having that person back was right on time. She obviously cared deeply for him and has many fond memories. The reason why they broke up doesn't matter at all, she just feels good knowing that he's back and she welcomes him with open arms.

I think we all have experienced this in some way, shape or form. I know I have. We never know why God puts certain people in our life, or why he takes them away. But having that person back just makes you feel amazing!

This is a beautiful song! Thanks Charlie!!!

RIP Phyllis Hyman.




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