Ques 1 is about interracial relationships.......

Hi guys! Ok my very first question came from my homegirl Jade asking (and i believe this is the question because it did get deleted) "y do people still have problems with interracial relationships?"

Well.........I believe that the problem stems from the way the individual was raised. Unfortunately there are very confused and hateful people out there that teach their children to hate. I remember when I was around 14, a little caucasian boy pointed at myself, my mom, my aunt and little brother and said "look daddy. it's niggers." Now this little boy had to have been maybe four years old. A four year old doesn't know what hate is. He/she is taught that.

Now if that little boy was never told growing up that that behavior is wrong and that that word is wrong.........he prob still feels/thinks the same way when he sees an African-American person. This would lead me to believe that a person like him would have a problem with interracial relationships, and continue the vicious cycle of teaching his child(ren) that awful practice.

Now......do I have a problem with it? No! I'm sooooooooo far past color. I've learned through the years that your race has absolutely nothing to do with the way you act. Saints, assholes, liars, whores, thieves, etc come in all shades, shapes, sizes and religions. So judging someone by the color of their skin only makes me look stupid.

I hope this answers your question Jade. *hugs* If not, please let me know.




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