
Hello Fashion Lovers,

How have you all been enjoying fashion week?! Loving it right!? OH ME GEE I have been having a great time.....

As usual, I've only been wearing black. I don't believe in wearing anything but black during fashion week. I made the HORRIBLE mistake once of wearing colors to one of my showings and I didn't like the pictures at all!!! Don't get me wrong, my outfit was adorable, but I should not have worn it. Sooooooooo now I only wear ALL BLACK during fashion week regardless if I'm showing or not!

I went to 7OnSeventh's show on June 14th and had a great time. Here is the link to the pics that I took of the swimsuits. I really wish I would have shown this season, but I just couldn't. You guys will see me in February for sure!!!!


Ok gotta go! I have some pattern-making to do.




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